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Autumn 1



In our English lessons we will be writing our own defeating the monster tale, in the form of a Greek Myth, based on our model text. This is linked to our History unit for this half term: Ancient Greece.


We are learning how to use setting and character description in our writing. 


Spellings for Autumn 1

Guided Reading


In Guided Reading this half term, we are studying the novel Bill's New Frock. We will be looking at characters and inference in the book, but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme. 


In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:


  • Place Value 
  • Addition and Subtraction 


In Year 4, we work very hard on learning our times tables ready for the multiplication check in the summer term. So, it is very important that we know every times table fact fluently.

Our times tables for Autumn 1 are: 3x, 4x and 9x.



In Science, we are studying sound. The children are learning about what sound is, how it is made and the relationship between volume, pitch and distance.




In History, we are learning all about Ancient Greece. We are studying lots of tricky vocabulary and learning about: Ancient Greek life, beliefs, achievements and what we have today thanks to the Ancient Greeks.
