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Autumn 2



In our English lessons we will be focusing on non-fiction.  We will be writing an non chronological report about Autumn based on our model text. 

We are learning how to organise our work into paragraphs and use topic specific vocabulary.

Our Quality Text

Guided Reading


In Guided Reading, we are studying the book  'Stig of the Dump' Clive King We will be looking at characters and themes in the book but also answering comprehension questions using our VIPERS scheme. 



Fifteen weekly spellings are given to the children on a Tuesday. These are glued into their planners so they can practise them at home as part of their homework. There is a spelling test each Tuesday. Children are encouraged to learning all spellings. These include repeated practice of the Year 3 & 4 statutory spellings. 



In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:


  • Addition and Subtraction 
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Quick recall of the  3, 4 and 8, times-tables (as well as the 2, 5, and 10 times-tables the children have already learned in Year 1 and 2) 



In RE we will be learning the following units:

Unit E - We listen to God's word at Mass

Unit C - Advent 



This half term we will learning about Animals - including humans. 


The children will be learning the following:

  • Where humans get their nutrition
  • Identifying that animals need the right nutrition
  • Identifying human and animal skeletons
  • Muscles for movement 
  • Making a model skeleton (STEM)



In Geography we will be covering two units.

  • Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes 
  • Locational Knowledge: Europe 


In Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, the children will learn the following:

  • What the earth is made of.
  • What are fold mountains and how they are formed. 
  • How volcanoes are made. 
  • Investigate how earthquakes occur.
  • The impact of a volcano erupting.
  • What happens when an earthquake occurs. 
  • To understand how people around the world protect themselves against earthquakes. 


In Location Knowledge: Europe, the children will learn the following:

  • Find Europe on a map and know some of the countries found in Europe. 
  • The different physical features of Europe. 
  • Some of the most important human features in Europe. 



In our Computing lessons this half term we will be covering the following:


  • Coding
  • Online Safety
  • Spreadsheets



In Our RSHE lessons we will be following the 'Ten Ten' programme of study. We will be completing Module 1: Created and Loved by God
