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Idea's to support home learning:



Recognise their own name. Each child has a 1000 stories book that they take home every week. Please read this book to your child. Identify different characters, new vocabulary, ask questions about the story, what happened at the start, the middle and the end? For some children they could identify everyday objects and the purpose of them.

In addition to the 1000 stories book please allow your child to re-tell the story using their reading book. This book doesn't have words in it. The children are practising telling a story using the pictures. What do you think this story will be about? Can you think of a name of the character for your story? How are they feeling? Where is the story taking place? What are they doing to do next? Encourage speaking in full sentences. 



Practise writing first name using the correct letter formation. 



Subitising (instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them).  Please practise identifying the numerals 0-5 then using the correct number formations for numbers 0-5. Counting and recognising objects up to 5. 



This half term we continuing to developing our independence. Please practise putting coats on independently and doing the zip up. If children are confident in putting their coats on and doing the zip up, they could practise putting on shoes. 
