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Friday 8th January 2021

Friday 8th January 2021



Please watch the YouTube video of the story Handa's Surprise. (see link below)


I would like you to have a go at retelling the story to your grown up/sibling using your story map to guide you. I would like you to try and use story language to retell the journey Handa goes on and what happens to her along the way. Are there any extra words you can add to your story map that you haven’t already added?




Weighing -     

I would like you to have a go at exploring the mathematical concept of weight and weighing objects. First, I would like you to work through the Power Point (see below) and learn all about how we weight different objects and what mathematical terms we use to describe weight – heavy, light, heaviest, lightest etc.


Then I would like you to have a go at finding objects around your home to weigh using scales/your hands. Which objects can you find that are heavy? Light? What objects are the same weight? Can you sort three objects you find into heaviest, lightest and then the object that weighs in between the two other objects. For example, heaviest – tin of beans, middle – phone/remote, lightest – sock/tissue. 




Please watch the RWI video clips below about how to read Green Word Time 1.2 words and how to spell them for writing. We have placed an exercise book in your home learning packs, which will help you to write the words in so you can see your progress and hard work. 


Reading the words -  


Spelling the words -




For our first RE lesson on Christmas, I would like you to learn all about the Christmas Story. Please read through the Power Point story (see below) with an adult.

After you have read the story I would like you to have a think about the questions below and talk about them with an adult.


Q1. How do you think Mary was feeling before the birth of Baby Jesus?

Q2. Who were the first people to visit Baby Jesus?

Q3. Why do you think the Shepherds were the first people?

RE Christmas Story Power Point
