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Wednesday 27th January 2021

Gospel Assembly Link


We may not be able to be all together at the moment, but we can still pray together. 


You will find this morning's liturgy by following the link below to the Video Resource Centre and looking in the 'Gospel Assemblies' section. 

Wednesday 27th January 2021




Please watch the YouTube video of the story Sam plants a sunflower. (See link below) 


Sam Plants a Sunflower - YouTube


Today I would like you to draw the main characters from the story – Sam, ladybird, worm, and his friends. Then, I would like you to label the main characters using your phonic knowledge. Remember to use a capital letter for Sam’s name.




Please watch the RWI video clips below about how to read Green Word Time 1.5 words and how to spell them for writing. We have placed an exercise book in your home learning packs, which will help you to write the words in so you can see your progress and hard work. 


Reading the words -


Spelling the words -




Today we are going to be learning about the mathematical concept of Symmetry.


Symmetry means you can draw a line down the middle of a picture and it is the exact same on both sides of the halves.


I would like you to look through the Symmetry power point (see below) with an adult. What do you notice about the pictures? What do you think symmetry means? How are these pictures symmetrical?


Then I would like you to draw a picture that is symmetrical on both sides. For example, a butterfly, a crown, a sunshine, a smiley face – keep it simple!


If you wish to send us your lovely symmetrical pictures, please do! We would love to see them.




Today for our lesson linked to our key text and topic – Growing and Planting – I would like you to go on a Spring Walk, looking for signs of spring in your garden or local community.


I have attached below a power point all about signs of spring to help you spot signs around you.


When on your walk look out for key elements of the season of spring beginning such as:

  • New buds
  • Flowers growing
  • Green shoot/leaves
  • Signs of animals


Can you draw and label some of the signs of spring you have found?

Maths - Symmetry Power Point
