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Spring Week 1 wb: 5.1.21

Friday 8th January

Lesson 1 - English


If the clip does not show below, here is the link:

The Tale of the Three Brothers (HD)

Watch the clip as many times as you need to. Then write your own version of the story using outstanding vocabulary and ambitious sentences.

Lesson 2 - Maths


Either print off the papers if you are able to, or just write your answers next to the question number.


Don't forget your working out.

Lesson 3 - complete 1 hour on Purple Mash
Thursday 7th January

Lesson 3 - RE - Why do you think Jesus is described as 'The Word of God'? Use the document below.

Wednesday 6th January
Tuesday 5th January

English Cold Task

Jesus' Birth in the Gospels - use your morning books
