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Thursday 25th February

Good Morning Nursery, Happy Thursday :) we are really looking forward to seeing you on our Google Meet at 1pm today. Don't forget to have your favourite piece of work you have completed this week ready to show us. 


Today in RE we are starting our new topic about Lent. Do you know what Lent is about?

Here is a Lent song for you to listen to 

1. Jesus has taught us that we must always be kind and loving to our friends and if we do something wrong or make someone sad we have to say sorry. I have some pictures below for you to sort. Can you sort them into being kind and being sorry? Can you think of any other acts that are kind or unkind?

2. As Jesus wants us to always be kind and loving. I wonder if you could do an act of kindness today? You could write a friendship card, do something kind for your family or post a card to someone. I have found some more ideas for you below. Can you think of anything else that is kind?

3. We have starting learning about positional language and before the holidays I asked you to put your teddy in different places. Can you have a look at the pictures of Humpty Dumpty and tell your grown up where he is? Remember we don’t just say there, we have to use the correct language ‘he is under the wall’.


Today’s rhyming story is Tiddler. Can you recognise any of the rhyming words?
