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Monday 11th January 2021

Monday 11th January 2021




Please watch the YouTube video of the story Handa's Surprise. (see link below)


I would like you to have a go at describing your choice of 2 fruits from the story. I would like you to try and use at least one adjective (describing word) to describe the fruit you have chosen. For example, The mango is red. / The pineapple is yellow and spiky. / The orange is round and juicy.

Please try and remember to use your phonic knowledge when writing these sentences, as well as using a capital letter, finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.




Please watch the Cbeebies video clip about number 12. (see link below)


I would like you to have a go at writing the number 12, using the number rhymes - a line down and it's done (1), round his head to his toes and along his tail (2).

Then I would like you to have a go at making the number 12 in different ways, e.g. 11 + 1 = 12, 10 + 2 = 12, 6 + 6 = 12 etc. Can you put this into a part-whole model to show the whole number (12) and then the two numbers/parts it can be broken into (11+1 etc.) 




Please watch the RWI video clips below about how to read Green Word Time 1.2 words and how to spell them for writing. We have placed an exercise book in your home learning packs, which will help you to write the words in so you can see your progress and hard work. 


Reading the words -    


Spelling the words -




I would like you to read through the Christmas Story Power Point again with an adult. 


Then, I would like you to draw the characters from the story – Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Shepherds, 3 Kings, Angel Gabriel etc. Can you then have a go at labelling each of the characters you have drawn. Remember to use your phonics to help you spell their names!

RE Christmas Story Power Point

Gospel Assembly Link


We may not be able to be all together at the moment, but we can still pray together. 


You will find this morning's liturgy by following the link below to the Video Resource Centre and looking in the 'Gospel Assemblies' section. 
