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Summer 1



In English this term, we are studying 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. We will be writing a diary entry, a non-chronological report based on WW2 and a flashback story.  The children will spend 2 weeks on each unit of work and will have a piece of writing for each genre. 



Spellings are given to the children on a Monday morning and they practise them in their spelling books. These are also glued into their planners so they can practise them at home as part of their homework. There is a spelling test each Friday. Children are encouraged to learning all spellings. 



Guided Reading

In Guided Reading, we are studying the book 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'. We will be looking at characters and themes in the book but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme. 



In Maths we are focusing on angles, geometry, translation, reflection of shapes and co-ordinates. We will also be focusing lots on revision as the children sit their SATs during this term. We will look back at work from the curriculum throughout the key stage and work lots on our arithmetic skills. Children will also continue to practise their arithmetic skills by using 'Hot Brain' in every maths lesson, with a focus on times tables, addition and subtraction, etc. It is important that the children know all of their times tables as this will help them in all lessons. 



In Science, we will be looking and 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We will be looking at the different animal groups, classification keys to identify animals, the different habitats of animals and classifying plants and animals based on their characteristics. We will use classification keys to identify different plants and wildlife we can find in our environment. 




In Geography, we are continuing our unit from Spring 2 - Globalisation. We will look further into where our clothes come from and what impact this has on trade and the economy. We will look at how globalisation affects food, where globalisation will lead us in the future and self-evaluate and look at how globalised our own lives are. 




In Computing, we will be looking at 'Networks' and how these work. We will recap online safety and complete a computing workshop. 



In RE, we will be looking at Easter and Pentecost. We will be focusing on the actions of the disciples after Jesus' Resurrection. We will also be looking at Confirmation preparation for the children who are taking their confirmation this year. 



