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Black Folder

All children have a black folder to keep their homework in and it should be returned to school on Fridays.

The children have a passport for Maths which indicates which facts they should be learning. These should also be returned in the black folder.


Children should read to an adult each night and then have their book signed. 

They should also be able to talk about what they have read so try to ask them questions about their book.



Spelling test and new spellings will be on Fridays. 

They should use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check  method to learn their spellings.


Times Tables

Y4 children should be learning their 6 and 7 times tables.

They should chant them like this ' 1 x 6 is 6,    2 x 6 is 12 and so on.

They should aim to have rapid recall of their times tables facts and be able to answer within 6 seconds.


Purple Mash

Activities are assigned as a 'To Do' and should be completed and handed in for the date shown.
