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Friday 2nd July

MathsMaths no problem powerpoint and workbook

Further Multiplication and Division  – multiplying 2d numbers

Lesson 1 - Worksheet 1 Page 115/116

Now do the Worksheet on Pages  115 and 116

English  - on Google Classroom

Read the poem ‘The Garden Year’.

Highlight any words you don’t know. Use a dictionary, look them up online or discuss them with an adult. Write your own sentence for each of the new words you have learnt.


Geography - Oak Accademy 

What is the earth made of?

Click on the link below and follow the lesson


Collective Worship


Spelling Test

If you can, get someone to test you on this weeks spellings or you could test yourself by having a quick look and then writing it down. 


Times Tables and Mental Maths

Remember to log on to numbots and TT rockstars as often as you can 
