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Spring Week 1 w.b.04/01/21

Year 3 - Tuesday 5th January 

1.  Complete the quiz and watch the video lesson 'Recalling the 3 times table' by following the link below. 

2. Complete the English lesson 'To explore word classes.' by following the link below.

3. Complete the Geography lesson and exit quiz 'Why do Geographers do fieldwork?' by following the link below.

Year 3 - Wednesday 6th January 

1.  Watch the video lesson 'Recalling the 4 times table' and complete the quiz at the beginning and end. You can also try the worksheet. Just follow the link below. 

2. Complete the English lesson -  Into The Forest by Anthony Browne - To engage with a text, by following the link below.

3. Watch a family Mass to celebrate the feast of The Epiphany. Just follow the link below to ​​​​watch the live stream at 9:30 and share in the joy of Christ being revealed to the world. 

4. Think about the true meaning of Christmas - Christ's Mass. Write an acrostic poem to show you understand what Christmas is really about. A few lines have been done to help you. If you want to, you could email your finished poem to the class email address; we'd love to see it. 





Start on a journey, leading to a stable


Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold, gifts for a King


Star guiding the way, leading the Wise Men

Year 3 - Thursday 7th January 

1.Watch the video lesson and complete the quiz at the beginning and end. You can also try the worksheet. Just follow the link below. 

2. Complete the English lesson -  To answer questions on a text by following the link below.

3. Complete the Geography lesson and intro and exit quiz 'What enquiries are geographers currently doing?' by following the link below.

4. Complete the RE lesson 'To know the names given to Jesus by the angels' by working through the powerpoint attached below and answering the questions in your book. 


Year 3 - Friday 8th January   

1. Complete the Understanding a text lesson 2 about 'Into the Forest'  by following the link below.  

Which Anthony Browne story did you enjoy the most - Voices in the Park or Into the Forest? Why? Emial the class email address to let us know. 

2. Join in with the music lesson 'Understanding Pulse & Rhythm'. Follow the link below. 

3. Complete the maths lesson 'Understanding multiplication can be done in any other.'
