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Tuesday 12th January 2021

Tuesday 12th January 2021




Today I would like you have a go at doing some indoor PE. Today’s Session is on Dance.


Please follow the link (see below). You can complete this dance session in your own time and remember to have fun!




Please watch the YouTube video of the story Handa's Surprise. (see link below)


I would like you to have a go at making some simple story puppets of the main characters to help you learn and retell the story. You can simply draw the characters on paper and then cut them or if you feel more creative, you can make them out of junk modelling objects/toys and then use them to act out the story. Try and remember to use the names of the characters, animals and fruits.




Please watch the RWI video clips below about how to read Green Word Time 1.3 words and how to spell them for writing. We have placed an exercise book in your home learning packs, which will help you to write the words in so you can see your progress and hard work. 


Reading the words -


Spelling the words -




Today for our lesson based on the key text Handa’s Surprise I would like you to learn more about the continent in which this book is based on – Africa.


I would like you to use Google/an online search website, to look at a simple world map and discuss with an adult where we live compared to where Handa lives – in Africa. Using the simple world map, I want you to discuss and look at how far away Handa lives to us.


I would also like you to use Google/online search website to learn more about what animals live in Africa and compare them to animals we have in our country. Are they the same? Are there any animals that don’t live in our country but they live in Africa? Can you draw an animal that lives in our country and one that lives in Africa?
