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Spring Week 3 w.b. 18/01/21

Year 3 - Monday 18th January 

1. Let's start the week together in prayer. Click on the link below to the Video Resource Centre and join in with today's Gospel Assembly. 

2. This week we are starting to look at a new book, The BFG!  Complete the first English lesson - To identify the main characters and the setting in a visual narrative by following the link below. 

3. Today we will be consolidating our multiplication and division knowledge.  Complete Part 1, including the intro quiz and the exit quiz, also try the worksheets if you can,  just click on the link below.

4. We are continuing with our new Science topic - Light and Dark. today we will be looking at - How can we see objects? Complete the lesson by following the link below. Don't forget to try the quiz at the end to see what you have learnt. 

5. For PE please look at the links on the PE pages or at the PE challenge page

Year 3 - Tuesday 19th January 

 1. We are continuing with The BFG!  Complete the second English - To investigate suffixes: Past and present tense, by following the link below. 

2. Today we will be Solving correspondence problems, complete the lesson including the intro quiz and the exit quiz, also try the worksheets if you can,  just click on the link below. 

3. Complete the Music lesson by clicking on the link

4. Log on to Purple Mash and look for the French to do task. 

Year 3 - Wednesday 20th January 

 1. Complete the next English lesson on the BFG - To sequence and retell the opening, by following the link below. 

2. Today we will be looking at using doubles to multiply, complete the maths lesson, including the intro quiz and the exit quiz, also try the worksheets if you can,  just click on the link below. 

3. PSHE lesson - Food, glorious food! In this lesson, we will explore what a diet is and why it is so important to eat healthy foods, just follow the link below.

4.Log on to Purple Mash and have a go at the spelling 2do

5. RE - Follow the link below to the RE lesson PowerPoint - 

Year 3 -Thursday 21st January

1. Today we will take a closer look at the vocabulary used in the BFG, the focus is to develop a rich understanding of words associated with night-time.

2. At 10am, Mass will be live from the St. Newman Cluster. Click on the link below to join in with the celebration of Mass with our parish family. If you miss it at 10am, you can always watch it later. As you join in, listen carefully and see if you can identify the Liturgy of the Word (when we listen to God's word) and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (the main part of Mass when we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus).

3. Today we will be developing multiplication skills by looking at using ten times greater for known


4. In computing today you begin to design your own computer game. 

Log in to Purple mash, to complete the computing task set.

Complete the to do task 'Free Code Chimp' on purple mash to start to create your own computer game.

You will need to choose a background and characters, then you will write a program to control how your character moves.

Use the video guide to support you with this. Using design mode in 2code will show you step by step how to complete your task. 



Year 3 - Friday 22nd January 

1. Today we are going to look at some characters in the BFG and generate vocabulary for a character description.

2. Log into purple mash and have a go at the reading 2do task.

3. In maths today we will be using bar models to represent word problems.

4. In history we will be learning about which animals lived in Prehistoric Britain.
