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Nursery 21/22 Overview of learning



In Nursery this half term we have been learning about Summer. We have read the book 'We're going on a picnic' and had our own picnic! The children have learnt actions to help them retell the story and have even drawn their own storymaps! The children have been enjoying playing in the picnic role play area and they have even printed their own a checkered pattern picnic mat and designed a heathy picnic plate to go with the story.

We have also read the story ‘Tilly’s at Home Holiday’ and again learnt actions to help them retell the story and they have drawn their own storymaps. We even made our own tent just like in the story! We will be making our role play area into a Travel Agents so the children can pretend to book a holiday! 

We have also been learning about different places in the world, comparing the cold, icy artic and the hot, dry desert.The children have created wonderful artwork related to this from chalk igloos to painting bright green cactus and gluing on green rice for the spines. It's been very messy but a lot of fun!

In maths we have been learning about weight and have been using the scales to find the lighest and heaviest objects. We have also been exploring capacity and experimenting with how much water containers hold.

In RE this term we have learnt about Pentecost. We explored the different things that the air can do and learnt that God sent his Holy Spirit. The Spirit is our special helper too. Just like the air, we can’t see the Spirit but he is there in us, helping us. We have aslso been looking at God’s Family and revisiting Baptism. We have been thinking about the people who care for us and how we can thank them.

One of our favourite days this term has got to be the Jubilee celebration. The children learnt about the queen and took part in art activities, singing and finally we all joined together for a celebratory picnic. It really was a great day!


We have also been busy practicing hard in PE and we are looking forward to sports day! We hope you are too :)



In Nursery this half term, we are busy learning all about minibeasts. The children have had some caterpillars in Nursery which we have been watching grow. We have read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and created our own life cycles of a butterfly using different shaped pasta. We are busy learning lots of new vocabulary and learning about a range of different mini beasts in our investigation area. 


Nursery have been enjoying the story 'The Very Busy Spider. They have been having lots of fun learning the names of the animals in the story. The role play this half term is a post office the children can apply their phonics knowledge in their play by writing letters, postcards and labels. 


Have a look at the photographs below of us enjoying our learning!




In Nursery this half term, we are busy learning all about Spring. The children have been on walks around the school grounds looking for signs of Spring.  We have read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and planted our own beans. We love checking on them to see if they have grown.  There are lots of daffodils around at the moment and we have enjoyed painting our own pictures of them. We are busy learning lots of new vocabulary and matching mummy and baby animals such as cow and calf, sheep and lamb, duck and duckling. 


We have also had fun learning about Shrove Tuesday; we loved taking part in Pancake Day races. On World Book Day we enjoyed dressing up as different characters from stories we have read. 


Nursery have been enjoying the story 'Oliver's Vegetables'. They have been having lots of fun learning the names of vegetables, tasting them, writing shopping lists and buying vegetables in the shop, investigating whether they float or sink and digging them up out of the soil. In maths they have been weighing different vegetables to find out which ones are heavier and which are lighter.


Have a look at the photographs below of us enjoying our learning!

The children have been exploring the natural environment and how it has started to change. We are currently reading the "We're going on a Bear Hunt" story. 

Monday 22nd November 2021 

We're going on a Bear Hunt

Today Nursery have started to learn their new Talk for Writing text. The children enjoyed exploring the new provision both inside and outside. We retold the story using the small world and over the week we will have a go walking through the different aspects outside. Today the children walked through the 'snowstorm'. 


Monday 1st November 2021

Autumn walk

Today Nursery went on an Autumn walk around the playground to explore autumn using their senses. We used our sense of sight to look at the leaves that had fallen from the trees, our sense of hearing to listen to the wind, our sense of smell to sniff the air to see if we could smell anything and our sense of touch to feel the cold, wet leaves and the hard conkers.


Our autumn Walk


Exploring colours

Outdoor Learning
