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Spring 2 week 1 wb:22.2.21

Welcome back, Year 6. I hope you've all had a restful week off and are ready for another half-term of hard work. 


Don't forget, you now have 2 Google Meet sessions per week:

Mondays at 2:15pm AND Thursdays at 1:15pm - please try and log in for BOTH.

A few of you have had trouble getting onto the meetings, if you are using a mobile device/tablet, you must have Google Meet AND Google Classroom downloaded as separate apps on the device for the meeting to work properly. 


Also, if you are emailing me or trying to send me work, please use the class email: NOT my staff one.


Thank you,

Miss Goodwin

Friday 26th January
Thursday 25th February

Lesson 2 - RE: Use the readings sheet instead of Bibles

Lesson 4 - Computing on Purple Mash
Wednesday 24th February
Tuesday 23rd February
What do you already know about Lent? Make a title page.

Lesson 3 - RE

Monday 22nd February


Use the link below to watch this week's Gospel Assembly.

Lesson 4 - PE: Dance
