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We are always busy here at St. Joseph's. Have a look at some of the things that have been going on in school recently ...


    Thu 30 Sep 2021 Mrs Hannett

    Coming SOON to a playground near you.... bagels for breakfast! We are delighted to have qualified for the National Schools Breakfast Programme which means ALL children will be able to pick up a free bagel on their way into school every morning for the rest of this academic year! Our bagels were delivered today, we are just waiting for our new toaster to arrive! Hopefully our playground breakfast will be able to start sometime next week - we can't wait!

  • A great start to the school year in Nursery

    Thu 16 Sep 2021 Mrs Hannett

    Our Nursery children are settling in brilliantly to their new routines. They are really enjoying spending time in the outdoor classroom each day. They are also joining in prayerfully with class collective worship. Well done, Nursery - what a super start to the school year!

  • Year Two learning

    Thu 16 Sep 2021 Mrs Hannett

    In Year Two the children talked about how we are all different and unique but still equal and then decorated their own unique handprint to show this.

    In their PSHE lesson they talked about how our families are all different but love is what makes them all the same.

    The children in Year Two have also been practicing their maths skills using Numbots.

    In Geography they have been learning about the population of the world and where people live. The children located the different continents and discussed which places have a high and low population. Well done, Year Two!
